Drugged Kids
As a father, this hits home.
I’m personally against medicating every feeling that we might have that doesn’t meet with society’s “norm”, but that’s what so much of modern psychology seems to want to do. I’m especially against medicating children who are labeled by teachers, not medical professionals, as having attention deficit disorder. Well, it looks like I may have been right all this time. At least, according to this article on Wired News.
What’s even more criminal, to me, is that this report was supressed. Why? Why else, greed. The drug companies want to keep selling thier legalized smack to us to medicate our feelings away. Pretty soon, we’ll all be like THX1138 or like something out of Brave New World. Does anyone else find it ironic that “soma”, a drug described by Huxley in Brave New World is a reality?
It’s time to wake up, people. We have to deal with life on life’s terms and not try to medicate uncomfortable feelings away.