Wow, classic, retro computing!
Hey, this brings back memories…. I was in high school when the Apple first hit significant production. In fact, we had an Apple I in our fledgling computer lab when I was a Freshman, though it was quickly replaced with an Apple IIe. (Yeah, I’m poor-folk, but I grew up in a pretty affluent neighborhood. Thanks, Mom and Dad!) That was back in the days when there weren’t such things as “floppy drives” or “CD-ROM drives”. Nope, you loaded your programs from tape. Audio tape! Yep, it was the Dark Ages, allright. And I was there to see it. God I feel old all of a sudden….
Anyway, now you can relive those glory days of yesteryear with your very own, home-built AppleI. Yessirree, according to this article on Wired News, there is now a book out that teaches you how to build your very own Apple I. It’d be a challenge for most of us, now that we’ve gotten used to all the fancy bells and whistles, but it could be fun. A neat learning project, or even a science fair project for someone. And, you never know, it might just inspire someone to invent the Next Big Thing in computing!
Besides, it’s Friday and if you’re reading this blog you’re geeky enough to think building your Apple I is cool. Just like me. So, go ahead, indulge your guilty geek pleasure and click the link.