I must be the only person I know who gives his therapist homework!
Yeah, okay, I know a lot of people who are in therapy, or who have been recently. And they all talk about “homework” from their therapist. Things to write or read or whatever. Well, I give my therapist homework.
I have to admit, I get a little compulsive about certain things sometimes, like writing. I write because I just can’t help myself. I keep saying that I’ll stay away from this blog even, but before I know it, I’m sitting in front of a keyboard typing away. Over the years, I’ve produced a rather prodigious amount of written work, of one kind or another. Everything from e-mails to stories to journals to, well, this blog! So, after reading some of that output last week, I decided to print a bunch of it for my therapist. I figure it’s got to give him insight into my long-term thought processes, right? Well, to be honest, I think I overwhelmed him a little tonight. I guess when he told me last week that I was a good writer, it went to my head. In fact, when I told him about Ghyll, he told me that if I were going to do that, I should write for publication and get paid for it. Just like a good writing coach! So, when I finish the last two rounds of that game, I think I will. Write for publication, that is. Maybe I’ll even publish one day.
Hey, I wonder if that tricksy therapist was really giving me homework after all!