Serendipitous Windows Links
A funny thing happened to me while searching for tools.
I found them. Oh, okay, this might not be all that shocking, but, really I didn’t expect to find so many good utilities so quickly, even with Google. So, here you go, you poor, blighted souls that must manage and maintain Windows systems, here are your utility links:
Microsoft Resource Kit Tools
Windows Utilities at LabMice
Utilities at all free, but most are pretty cheap if they aren’t free.)
Freeware Files Windows Diagnostics (Now, these are ALL free.)
Doc Memory RAM Tester (Free for a limited time, so grab it quick!)
Ironically, just after I started this search, my need for these utilities mysteriously went away. Funny how often that happens after a reboot, isn’t it? Argh! Users! Can’t live with ’em and can’t make a living without ’em!
Don’t forget those computer doctors at (both received their PhDs from Carnegie Mellon). This is their freeware site, complete with source code if you’re so inclined. I use their tools all the time. I’m particularly fond of PSTools, a collection of utils that let you have your way with machines on your network from the cool, dark comfort of the command line.
These guys also have a pay site featuring the amazing ERD Commander.
Comment by Paul — 11/16/2005 @ 9:03 am