The Red Herring Collection
Hey’s it’s Friday and I have no theme to my crazy links.
Look I paid all my important bills last night and I’m too tired to come up with any real theme here, but these all are perfect links for a Friday.
First, in honor of Daylight Savings Time ending this weekend, and me getting an extra hour of badly needed sleep, here’s a link to How To Sleep Better on Boing Boing.
And, since I’m sure you’re probably reading this at work, I thought it was high time I helped you sneak around on the web without getting caught. It’s a site called Work Friendly and it will open browser windows that are camoflaged as Micro$oft Office files. Pretty clever, huh?
Well, you can use that to browse these links…
I started off at Boing Boing looking for the link to the Ben and Jerry’s Waffle Cone Room Fragrance, but, alas, it was no more. But, that led me to a site called CribCandy, which led to me finding wall tattoos, instructions for making a bean bag sofa bed, a DIY guide to painting a mural in your home, a “Falling Water” platform bed, instructions for “growing” your own furnature, a reclining bike/geek desk, and, finally, for Halloween, horror furnature props. (Yes, that all was mostly a shout-out to those of you who voted for Dwell magazine on my last poll.)
So, if I do this NaNoWriMo thing, I’ll have to queue up a bunch of Friday Fun Posts this weekend, since I won’t have time otherwise. Well, in any case, this Friday, you can enjoy these crazy links.