Well, I’m not in the hospital yet.
Turns out having a fever over the weekend was a Bad Thing and the doctor didn’t want to start my chemotherapy if I were sick. So, they sent me home with a perscription for antibiotics and I’ll be back on Thursday to try again.
I have to admit, I find it a little funny, frustrating and odd that they want me to be “healthy” before they start poisoning me again. But, still, there is a certain amount of strange, medical logic there. After all, if I’m already sick, and the chemo weakens me, what I’m already sick with might actually do me more harm than the chemo. It’s just frustrating because I was looking forward to getting this all done and over with and now I’ve been delayed. Ah, well, a few more days won’t kill me!
(Incidentally, for those of you not familiar with the term “hangfire“, it’s from gun/shooting culture. Basically, it means “misfire, warning, danger, watch yourself on the range!”. Lordy, the things you remember from Boy Scout camp!)