As I mentioned the other day, my doctor wants to do one more biopsy.
Well, I finally got scheduled for the needle biopsy last night.
I go in on Monday for the pre-flight check. That’ll be just an “interview” with the doctor to prepare me for the actual event on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, I have to be there at 7:00AM, ready to get poked. If the procedure proceeds as it did back in March, I’ll have what little dignity I have left stripped away with one of those flattering, open-backed gowns and spend several hours waiting around for the doctor. The procedure itself should take about an hour or two, to line up their shot and stick the enormous needle into my chest for a teeny, tiny sample of cells. At least this time, I know what they’re up to when they tell me not to touch the needle and that they’ll be “right back”! I’m sure it will take most of the day and, because they’re giving me anesthetic, they’d like me to have a ride. Personally, I’m more worried about driving home and having my lung collapse, but the end result is the same.
I have to admit, as much as I’ve enjoyed writing up these little updates for you all, I’ll be glad when I don’t have quite so much excitement in my life that they’re necessary. Though, I have to admit, having my eyebrows growing back has gotten quite exciting. When someone tells you that it’s the little things that matter, I bet you never thought they meant having eyebrows!
Advice from your Uncle Jim:
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years of trying to get other people interested in you."
--Dale Carnegie