Palm OS Easter Eggs
Who has time to find these things?
Not me, that’s for sure. But, the nice folks over at have compiled several so called “Easter eggs” found in the Palm OS.
Here’s a couple of my favorites:
Inch Worm on some Palm OS models
Go to Prefs. Make a # using Graffiti. (That is a dot, then a backwards N, kind of like a small h with a BIG hump…) Wait 10 seconds or so, because inchworms take time, you know. There he is! He is made of a bold o and bold underlines and slashes. He will stay there until you move on to another app, and he even survives a power off/on cycle!
See the Taxi!
1. Go to Preferences
2. Choose General
3. Draw a circle, counter-clockwise, above the Calculator button
If you do this correctly you should see an easter egg appear.
4. Exit Preferences and go into any other application.
5. Hold down the page down button and draw a line from the middle of the Graffiti input box to the left of the screen, right between the Applications and Menu buttons.
You should see a taxi run across the screen. To get the taxi to come across the screen again repeat step
Giraffe game
Start the Giraffe game. While you’re playing, tap the Help button. Once you’re in the Help screen, draw the ‘#’ character. This is done by tapping the Graffiti text area once and drawing a backwards N(draw down on the left side, angle up from left to right, and down again on the right side). You should see a dancing palm tree appear. That’s all there is to it!