Mobile Drive-Ins
Yes, drive-in movies on the go.
Yeah, I know, it sounds impossible, but, no, it’s really real and true and Mobile Movies as brought to us by Cool Hunter. In this case, we’re talking about MobMov. Like flash mobs, these folks organize guerrilla mobile drive-in movies, thrown together on the fly in cities, hopefully, near you.
I love the idea of this, not that I have the money to get the required projection equipment. I mean, showing movies on walls from inside a car? Brilliant! I’ve always adored movies as a shared, group art-experience, but this whole, crazy, rolling movie community is just tremendous. At the second site I linked to, they have suggestions for where to show the movies as well as how to show them and even where to get the movies on a royalty-free basis! So, as wacky as it seems, you wouldn’t even really be breaking the law. How fabulous is that?!
Hey, it’s Friday, what do you want from me? C’mon, admit it, you’d love to see a free movie in an alley tonight, wouldn’t you? Why not click the link and see what it’s all about?