Bovine Sabotage?
Is this really a danger?
Well, according to this story on Wired News, the Office of Homeland Defence seems to think so. In fact, they’re so sure it’s going to be an issue that they’re going to spend $33 million on protecting our livestock.
No, really, they are.
Okay, now, I’ll grant you that messing up the US food supply could be a really big problem, but is this really an angle that terrorists would take? Somehow, I doubt it. It would be a really effective way to cripple our economy, and our military, but it just doesn’t play well. I don’t think it would really strike fear in the hearts of innocents, which is what terrorism is all about. I mean, a random poisoning will have everyone looking over their shoulder and double-checking safety seals, but the USDA would stop 99.9% of any potentially bad meat or produce before it got anywhere. It’s what they do.
So, I don’t know. It’s important, I guess, but I don’t really think it’s very likely to be a problem.