
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Don't Tell My Mother

I have two criteria I measure all potential posts against.

Before I post anything even remotely questionable, I ask myself three questions. First, do I care if my ex-wife knows about it? I always assume she's reading, whether she is or not. It's easier than obsessing over all the thousand of visitors I get and ways to conceal one's identity when browsing. So, before I post something about my personal life, I always consider whether or not I'd care if she knew. Mostly, I don't care, but, every once in awhile, there's something that I'd rather not have her repeat to her daughter, who already hates me, thanks to my ex-wife's tall tales. Honestly, there's not much and it doesn't happen very often, but, still, I occasionally don't post things because I'd rather she not know about it.

The second question I ask is whether or not a potential employer or date shouldn't know what I'm thinking of posting. If I suspect that I might post something that would put off the kind of person I'd really want to be involved with for a long period of time, I don't post it. And, really, I spend about as much time with an employer as I do a significant other, not including time actually sleeping, so the question is the same. Also, I think the same things that would irritate a potential spouse would probably irritate a potential employer.

The last gauge I use is whether or not I'd tell my mother. In theory, she does read this blog now and again, so she might actually learn something about my life here that I'd rather she not know. Granted, there's not much that comes to mind that wouldn't already fall under one of the first two categories, but it is a final check that occasionally rules out a post. For instance, I don't talk about sex much on this blog not only because it might be off-putting to an employer, but because I'm sure my mother thinks of me as a pre-adolescent, virginal, church-going, innocent boy.
I'm not, of course, but I see no need to disabuse her of that endearing misconception.

What criteria do you all use regarding posting material?
Oh, and don't tell my mother that I grew up a long, long time ago, okay? Thanks.