At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Tuesday night, I took "before" pictures.
Knowing that the Queen of the Damned will likely read this, I hesitate to mention how heavy I've gotten. Let's just say that I'm the heaviest I remember being, ever, and I'd like to lose forty pounds or so. And, it's not like I haven't been meaning to get back in shape after last year's "little episode". Chemotherapy takes that weight off great, but it all seems to come back with the hair! And, every pound seemed to bring a buddy!!
In any case, I started planning for this even before treatment ended. I got several books on exercise and I had a new pair of running shoes from before I was diagnosed. Not that I'm allowed to start running at my age, but they'll give me support for taking the dog on walks.
I've had a subscription to Men's Health for several months now. Believe it or not, in spite of being the male equivalent of Cosmo, there's really a lot of pretty good health advice in there. Granted, there are lots of articles on women that my, admittedly limited, experience leads me to believe are somewhat suspect, but at least there aren't any articles on how to achieve orgasm while caulking your windows. (I swear to you I actually saw an article like that in a women's magazine when I was working as a security guard in college! I would not lie to you about something as important as this!) I've even bought several of their cookbooks now, in an attempt to eat better, and healthier. If I can just stop going out with friends so often, I think I'd do better there.
And, of course, all of this is just smoke and mirrors if I can't get my shit together and actually start working out. Doing anything, really, would be better than I've been doing for the past couple of months. Just walking the dog would be a start.
So, that's why I took the before pictures. I see those guys in Men's Health all the time, those "before-and-after" guys, those "Bellyoff! Club" guys, and I want to be one of them. I need the "before" clearly in front of me. The last time I lost a bunch of weight, it was because I saw a picture of myself when my ex-wife and I were buying our house. I couldn't believe I'd gotten so fat! Well, this is the same thing.
Now, I just need to make my "after" happen.
Update: I discovered this morning that it turns out that I'm not quite at my heaviest ever, but I'd still like to lose thirty-five to forty pounds.