
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Look and Feel

So, now that I've gotten a little more used to the inside of the new WordPress, I'm probably going to make some changes to the part that you all see.  I'll probably play around with the theme here, and on my other blogs, for the next couple of days.  I might not add or change much, but, then again, WordPress has added some cool new features since I upgraded last, so I might end up making some pretty significant changes, too.  In any case, don't be alarmed if you see bits and pieces of the blog appear and disappear, or colors change or anything like that.  It's just all part of Uncle Jim's Master Plan for World Domination, aka Diary of a Network Geek Spring Cleaning/Remodeling.

I'll let you know when I'm done, too.  Then, probably have you all vote on it.  Or something.