
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Future Project Research


Originally uploaded by Network Geek
I don't particularly feel like writing today, but, well, it's time for an update.

Okay, that's not quite true. I just don't feel like writing anything that I feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Not that I have anything in particular going on, really, but there's just no way for me to talk it through, so to speak, in writing and have it come through in a way I'm willing to put on the web for all to see. That may surprise some of my readers, considering what I've thrown out in the past, but there it is.

The picture here is one of several stacks of books in my house that make up my "to be read" queue, or, as I think of it, pile.
If you get in close, you'll see a strange combination of subjects. At the bottom of the stack, there are books on chemistry, space flight, the Yakuza and gun running. All basically purchased for research for a semi-mythical story that will probably never get written. Still, these are all things that interest me anyway, so I figure it's money well spent.
The next layer up is computer books. Specifically, books related to WordPress and web design or web page creation. These are all meant to help me build a better theme for this blog, and my other blogs. Not to mention potentially making a theme that other people might like to use and possibly even donate a bit of money to use. At least, that's the idea.
The rest of the books are a mish mash of assorted subjects that have interested me to a greater or lesser degree over the past several months.

So, there's an update of sorts to keep the Google-gods and blog-spirits happy. Ciao!