
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Storm Alert! Hurricane Ike Part One


Originally uploaded by Network Geek
Okay, so if somehow you haven't been watching the news, or just don't care about Texas, there's a storm in the Gulf headed our way.

There are a bunch of computer models, but they're all pointing toward Galveston and Houston. It really looks like this is going to hit us dead on this time. Oh, sure, they said the same thing about Rita a couple of years ago, but, well, let's face it I'm just not lucky enough to miss this one, too. I mean, sure, I got out of an ugly marriage clean and I beat cancer, but I don't think even I'm lucky enough to dodge two hurricanes pointed directly at Houston.

So, I spent the morning cleaning out my yard and cleaning off my porch. I filled the fountain, so I'd have flushing water. (I'll show a picture of my fountain later, probably.) Then, I filled two collapsable water containers, that total five gallons together. And, I filled a five gallon SunShower, as well as my percolating coffee pot and my regular coffee maker and a tea kettle and an 18 quart pot. I'll fill a few more containers later this evening, just in case. Last year, I kind of freaked out about having enough drinking water, so this year, I'm making sure I'm okay. Oh, and I have a hand-pump Katadyn water filter, too! So, if worse comes to worse, I can drink water from my ponds.
I've checked my batteries in my lantern and made sure I know were my candles all are, not to mention lighters and matches. I've cranked my Freeplay radio/flashlight, to make sure it has a charge. And, I have a spare battery fully charged for my camera. So, as long as I have an Internet connection, I'll keep posting. After that, I'll keep taking pictures to upload later.
I've got a load of laundry in right now and I'll run the dishwasher after dinner, so I'll have clean clothes and the maximum amount of clean dishes, too. I'm debating about going out and getting my tank totally topped off, as I didn't have a chance to do that yesterday. See, I was a loyal employee and did everything I could to make sure our systems were good for the storm. You'd think I'd learn better by now, right?

Okay, the thing that drives me nuts about this Hurricane Ike coverage on the Weather Channel is that these guys are really, really hyping this all the way up to justify their own existence. I get that, but I wonder if they feel bad at all about making people panic? Do they really think they're doing such a public service with that?

Well, since it's before noon and the high winds aren't supposed to start in my area until something like 7:00pm, I think I'm going to run over to my friend's apartment and get their new DSL working for them. They don't have cable and I'd hate for them to be cut off from communications about any storm danger or anything. Also, it'll give me something to do. And, while I'm out if I see a gas station with gas, I might swing in and top off.

Stay tuned, readers! More pictures and posts later!