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Power - Hurricane Ike Part 4

Well, I'm starting to have power issues here in Jersey Village.

Apparently, they announced on the news that Jersey Village is without power. Currently, I have power, but it's blinked out at least twice more since I wrote about power the last time. I only know that I'm supposed to be without power because J. called to tell me. So far, I'm happy to be making the news casters at least partially liars. Not sure how long my power will hold, either, since the cable seems to be on the blink. Obviously, my DSL connection is holding up okay. That's not a surprise, honestly, and one of the reasons I went with DSL over cable.

I probably won't post again until morning, barring any power issues. All things being equal, I'll end up sleeping through the worst of it. I'm going to turn down the A/C, so it gets nice and cold, in case the power goes out. At least it'll take longer to warm up and get uncomfortable.
Either way, I know I'll be able to make a cup of coffee!