Well, I do have power again.
Many still do not, but, at long last, I do.
Yesterday, at about 4:30pm, my power came back on. I'd lost my land line, though, so, I figured I was batting .500. Then, an hour and thirty minutes later, or so, that came back, too. Cable has come in and out, but, really, that'd be all gravy as far as I'm concerned. So, mostly, things are back to normal for me.
I expected to work until dusk cleaning up tree debris in my back yard, but my lawn guys had done most of it. So, before next Wednesday, I plan to have a case of beer for them and I'll have a bonus in cash the next time I pay them, too. I spent about an hour cleaning up what they didn't quite get. Mostly it was stuff still partly in trees or still attached. Saturday, I have a friend coming over to see what we can do about the fence.
There is something special about having electricity again. As a guy at work put it, there's not quite anything like the sound of ice cubes tumbling from the automatic ice maker in the refrigerator into the bucket. Though, I have to admit, the sound of air-conditioners is very much like the sound of generators. It's an irony that I cannot escape or ignore.
There's a friend of the boss who's got a mailserver that he's trying to find a temporary home for, due to power loss. It's his own server, but, I have to tell you, this is why if you're going to run servers at the house you need a recovery plan, just like you would if you were a small business. Of course, I say this, but I don't have one. At least, not yet.
It's been a crazy couple of days here in Houston. People have been at both their best, and their worst. I've seen things like my lawn guys pitching in and clearing my yard without asking or being asked and like the guy at work who gave me half an ice chest of ice to let me save some food. And, I've seen people cutting each other off and running through intersections endangering themselves and others. I've heard just as many stories for either side. Still, it's not like what happened after Katrina in New Orleans. There have been a few stories of looters, but not many. I'd like to think we're more evolved, but, the truth is, I think the police were just better prepared. Either way, I'm glad that there have been more stories about neighbor helping neighbor than not.
So, things are settling down. I'm glad for that, too.
I hope my readers from the Houston area who aren't back to normal will be soon.
Oh, and here's a bit of fun everyone can look forward to! Friday is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! So, by then, I hope everyone can tell me what a pirate's favorite letter is!