
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Web Design Sketchbook

Oh, this is cool!

Now, you have got to understand that I am a total office supply junkie. I love interesting pens and notepads and all that junk. I have a bunch of Moleskine notebooks, for instance. And, I've been trying to sketch out a new WordPress theme in a sad sort of design notebook I've been keeping. Obviously that hasn't been quite as well as I'd like, but this Web Design Sketchbook may inspire me a bit more.

It's from a site called HuntingLodge.no, which is in Norway, and there is a store, but it was being upgraded when I wrote this. It maybe working now, though. Basically, it's just a regular sketchbook, but with printed graphics on it that are like a browser window. So, when you're sketching the design, whoever you're sketching it for can sort of see how it would look in a browser window. How cool is that!? I know I'll end up having to get one of these from them when their store is working again, but, until then, enjoy their "review" of it.