Yeah, more news, because this is a big deal.
So, this new Kindle is a really big deal. First of all, the latest version looks a lot better than the first one. The first Kindle looked like a prototype, but this version looks really slick. And, yes, there is a much nicer case available for it than there was for the first edition, according to Crunch Gear. From the pictures, it looks like they're going to have an aftermarket booklight, too. Houston's own Dwight Silverman has gotten his Kindle2 already and done a review, though I suspect he got his faster than the rest of us because, well, he's a newspaper guy doing a review.
But, with any big deal, there's always some kind of problem, right?
According to this article on the Wall Street Journal, the Author's Guild is protesting the Kindle's ability to read aloud to you. They claim that this violates an "audio copyright" that every written work includes. Naturally, the contention is that a machine-read, machine-stored work read in a machine-generated synthetic voice is not what is intended by that copyright. I tend to agree. If this were a computer reading website text, would there be a copyright violation? I don't think so.
Still, it will be interesting to see how this works out.
I read an article the other day about how news is very soon not going to be free. The article claims that newspapers are losing too much money from the free news on their websites and are going to have to start charging very soon. If that happens, I really think I may just buy a Kindle, one of those fancy covers, and subscribe to a couple of papers that way. I mean, I really see the Kindle as an adjunct to print media, not a replacement for printed material. So, I don't see myself no buying actual books any more.
Either way, I suspect that I'll have quite a wait based on how long the delay is in getting one. Even if I were totally ready to buy, which I'm not quite, it'd probably be months before I could actually lay hands on the Kindle2, since I'm not a reporter doing a review. But, I do have to admit, this version is a lot more attractive than the last version!
UPDATE: I totally forgot to add the fact that there is now an iPhone app that lets you read Kindle-format books on your iPhone, too. It sounds like it's meant to be an addition to your Kindle, but they claim you can use it instead of a Kindle, so who knows. I wonder how long it will be before they have a similar application for the Blackberry. Now that would be something, wouldn't it?