It may be obvious by now, but I'm not a graphic designer.
Still, I appreciate the work. I mean, I understand the effort and appreciate the people who put in the work to make good design. And, I have to admit that design, good and bad, fascinates me.
So, to make amends for my various bad design, I offer the few good designers who might stumble across my site some nice bits.
I don't know about full-time, professional designers, but I need a good bit of inspiration now and again. I often get photography and graphic design magazines just to stare at and get ideas. But, they get very proud of those magazines and charge dearly for them, so, in this new, tighter economy, what are we to do? Well, why not look at free, on-line design magazines! How about 42 Free Online Magazines for Designers?
Need more inspiration? Well, personally, I'm obsessed with logos, so I found the Logo Designer Blog endlessly entertaining.
Of course, when we're creating for the web, content, as they say, is king. In this case, that means words. Lots and lots of words. In marketing school they called those words "copy" and the process of churning them out was "copywriting". It's an art, too, in its way. An art that all too many graphically creative people don't seem to get, especially on the web. At least, I've seen a lot of sites that sure could use work on their words. Well, GrokDotCom has help for them at the GrokDotCom Ultimate Copywriting Cheat Sheet. Even if you think you're very good at this, this page is worth a look. Trust me.
So, there you go.
Now go make something.