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Review: You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Bring Your Laptop To A Coffee Shop

So, last week I finished You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Bring Your Laptop To A Coffee Shop by John Scalzi.

I've been a frustrated writer since I can remember.
I've read more books on writing than most people even realize have been published! But, this book was different. Most writing books focus on the techniques of writing, dispensing all sorts of marginally useful advice, but Scalzi has some different advice for hopeful writers. He talks mainly about the nitty gritty that the other books leave out. For one thing, he talks about giving up the idea that one should only write "art" pieces. He talks about approaching writing like any other job. It makes sense, really, when you think about it. I mean, if you want to make a living at writing, then you have to write regularly, just like you'd work at any other job. You work regularly to get paid regularly.

Mostly, the advice is hard-nosed and drawn from his own years as a full-time, professional writer. Also, the sections are drawn from his blog, the Whatever and many are answers to questions from readers of that blog. Granted, he's edited many of the original blog entries for the book, but I honestly don't care that it's mostly duplicated material I could get from the web. I find reading it from a book, an actual, bound book, far easier than trying to chase it all down on his blog. It was well worth the price.

I can't recommend this book to most of my readers, but if you're an aspiring writer and are tired of reading the same well-worn advice about how to write, You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Bring Your Laptop To A Coffee Shop may be just the book you've been looking for. It won't tell you much about how to write, but it will give you invaluable advice about the writing life and how to make a living at it.