I'm on vacation.
Yes, vacation. Of course, for a one man IT department, "on vacation" means something a little different than normal. I ran in on Saturday, after picking up a rental car, to get a couple things squared away. I have a "backup" person, but it's really not his full-time gig, so I tried to make sure that he won't really have anything to do. Hopefully, I've succeeded. But, in case I didn't, I should be in cell-phone range the whole time, and my hotel has high-speed Internet. Probably won't take time to post, except the regular, automagic post I already have queued up. I do worry quite a bit about leaving the network and my usesers untended. I can think of so many things that can go wrong and, frankly, they've become so, so used to me being there to make last minute magic happen that they've come to expect it. Of course, maybe that's the best reason to take a couple of days off.
Also, I'm not going anywhere that I anticipate being any particular fun or even deeply interesting; Lawton, Oklahoma. Why? Because my nephew is graduating from Basic Training as he joins the Army National Guard, full time. Still, it will be nice to see family and I'm looking at it as a photo opportunity. Not sure what kind of shots I'll get from the road, but I'll certainly take as many of him and the graduation ceremony as possible. When I'm back, I'll post a link to Flickr.
So, now, it's time to grab the last bags, toss thee roll of toilet paper into the car, and head out. Be good while I'm gone, kids!
(And, yes, while I was typing this, I got a call from the office about someone moving their equipment and not able to connect. See why I worry? That's also, incidentally, why I always travel with at least a partial roll of toilet paper in the car. You just never know what might happen on the road!)