No, seriously, don't quit your day job.
Right, so most of you regular network geekophiles know that I'm a mildly repressed, slightly frustrated writer, among other things. Many have been the day that I sat and dreamed of making a full-time living as a science-fiction or fantasy writer, setting my own schedule, free from the pressures of endless demands for instant service. Well, it turns out that may not be the best idea. For one thing, it's hard to make a living at the fiction writing thing. Certainly, a down economy is not the best time to roll dice that big. Also, there's the question of things like health insurance and retirement savings. So, while I try to figure out some other creative ways to enrich my professional life, I'll be thankful that my job really isn't that bad.
And when I feel like it is, at least I know I'm not alone. So, if you're feeling oppressed by the Man, know that you're not the only one and check out some Science Fiction Writer's Cruddiest Day Jobs.
I don't know about you, but it gives me hope that, if they could do it with those day jobs, well, maybe I can do it with mine.