Houston is a strange town.
Now, I don't mean that in a bad way! I like strange. Strange is different, interesting. The problem is, finding it. Think of all the chance encounters that have led you to something weird and beautiful. How often does that happen? If you're like me, not often enough.
Back when I started doing "Friday Fun" posts, I used to scour the Internet for unusual bits of flotsam and jetsam. Now, I usually let my feed reader bring them to me. But, the fun, weird, wonderful things are all around us. In Harris county, we have plenty of interesting, unusual things to find. Some of these have been collected at the Harris County page of the Atlas Obscura. If you haven't been there, go take a look. They talk about a couple things of interest, but I encourage you to find and add more.
Incidentally, of the things they mention, I've only been by David Adickes' studio and seen the giant heads outside his workshop. I have heard of the Museum of Health and Medical Science and the National Museum of Funeral History, but I have to admit, I haven't been to either yet, not to mention the several places of interest that I hadn't even known were here before.
You know, now that I think about it, they do seem like great photo adventures that would be easy to do, and I have all that nice, new flash gear....