Well, it's that time again...
It's that magic time of year when we all make resolutions that most of us will never keep. I mean, seriously, how many of you have ever kept a resolution? Ugh, don't answer that. My readers are probably just the kind of contrary people who actually do keep their resolutions!
For my part, I keep saying that I'm going to read [amazon_link id="0142000280" target="_blank" ]Getting Things Done[/amazon_link] so that I can streamline my life and, well, get more done. One day, I swear, I will become more efficient! At least I actually own this book. It's sitting under a huge pile of other books, just waiting for me to finally get around to it.
On the upside, one year, I resolved to teach myself [amazon_link id="0596520107" target="_blank" ]Perl[/amazon_link] and that I actually did! Of course, I mostly used that to make little webapps that weren't very useful, even if they were entertaining.
And, that, gentle readers, brings me to my Friday Fun Link; Diary of a Network Geek's New Year's Resolution Generator!
It's fun! It's FREE! And, I have to admit, it tends to lean toward resolutions that involve hard liquor and inappropriate behavior, especially with strangers.
Trust me, you'll love it. Be sure to share it with all your drunk friends tonight at your parties!
See you next year!