Websites lie.
There, I said it.
Well, I wrote it. Anyway, you and I and everyone else with half a brain know that these "free" websites are paid for in some way. Mostly, that way is advertising. Sometimes, that advertising involves selling personal data that they've collected. Oh, c'mon, don't act so shocked. You know it's true just like I do. The big [amazon_link id="B0001EQIFQ" target="_blank" ]Internet Bust of 2000[/amazon_link] showed us all that companies without a good revenue model will, ultimately, fail. And, the best revenue model of all on the Internet is selling your data to advertisers.
The thing is, wouldn't it be nice if they just admitted that up front?
Well, Dan Tynan over at IT World has a modest proposal; The first truly honest privacy policy.
Watch out, because I may just start using this on my sites!
But, I won't warn you ahead of time...