I'm a cheap bastard.
I love the idea of using spare parts to make something cool and new. I especially love it if the spare parts make something that I wouldn't normally be willing to spend money on having, even if it is cool.
Digital picture frames fall into that category for me.
Sure, I'm a photographer and I shoot digital, so a digital picture frame is an obvious bit of techno-lust for me, but, like I mentioned, I'm a cheap bastard. Too cheap to get a digital picture frame just to show off my own work. But, when I saw this article on Ikea Hackers about making a DIY digital picture frame from an old laptop and an Ikea frame, well, I had to share it with you all.
I've seen similar articles, but this one really looked better than the other ones. And, I certainly like the finished product better. Now, all I need to do is find an old, working, laptop!