I've never been a huge fan of Moby Dick.
But, I have to admit, the idea of mashing [amazon_link id="0199535728" target="_blank" ]Moby Dick[/amazon_link] with [amazon_link id="B003UESJJC" target="_blank" ]Apocalypse Now[/amazon_link] seems like a pretty killer idea to me. And, that, dear readers, is just what Apocalypse Moby is; an amazing mashup of these two very different stories that comes out amazingly well. In fact, it almost had a science-fiction feeling to it. Or maybe that was just my personal experience leaking through, but, either way, it was pretty cool.
Of course, it's a play, stage-play or screen-play, depending on your bent, which may make it a bit challenging to read, but, I think it's worth it. And, trust me on this, it works surprisingly well. Honest.
It's just the thing to read on a weekend when you're too hot to do anything else anyway. So, go ahead, it's free! Go download it and read it!
And have a great weekend!!