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SciFi Book Picker

It's not secret I love books.

Frankly, it's no secret that I love science-fiction books, either.  But, generally, my "To Be Read" pile is so huge I sometimes have a hard time picking which book to read next.  I've featured other book pickers in my Friday Fun posts before, but those were all generic.  So, here's a new one specifically for Sci-Fi books; BestSFBooks

Now, I'll be honest, it's not strictly a book picker, per se, but it lists the "Top Ten Books" and the "Top Ten" authors for the current year and previous years as well as listing the newest science-fiction books.  You can also search the site and find out more about books you might be interested in reading to help you decide which to pick.
It's pretty much brand new, so there's no telling how good it really is at helping you find new books to read, but I think it's worth checking out.

Besides, it's Friday, so what else do you have to do?  (If you use the site, though, please check back here and leave comments about your experience!)