
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Secret Dining

No, this isn't a post about eating disorders!

Rather, it's a post about secret places to eat in New York City!
I have to admit, I've always been fascinated by people lining up to get into places so secret that they have no name or no sign over the door.   Maybe it's having grown up in Chicago with a grandmother who was actually around when speakeasies were up and running that's made this so interesting to me.  Maybe it was just being a geeky kid who was always on the outside.  Maybe, it was the idea that my great-grandfather was friends with Bath-house John Kenzie and Hinky Dink Kenna, two of Chicago's most notorious aldermen and crooks, who ran a "pool hall" with a secret room.  In any case, places like that fascinate me and the idea that they might exist in New York RIGHT NOW is almost irresistible to me!

So, tell me, New York readers, have you ever tried one of these "Secret Eateries" in New York City?
Inquiring minds want to know!