
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Pros You Should Know

No, not geek professionals, in this case.

Normally, I don't blatantly promote other people who aren't either ultra-cool geeks or paying me money, but, in this case, I'll make an exception.
I'm really into photography.  I wasn't always, but the December after I finished chemotherapy, I bought my first digital SLR camera.  It cost what I thought of as a small fortune, but it was worth it.  Shortly after that, I took a couple of seminars.  One from the ever popular Joe McNally and another one by a guy named Syl Arena.  The class I took eventually became the book [amazon_link id="032171105X" target="_blank" ]The Speedliter's Handbook[/amazon_link] and is pretty much THE book to have for someone shooting with Canon Speedlites.  The class, and book, were fantastic.  Syl was a genius teacher and a really nice, patient guy, too.
Well, he's the inaugural "pro" on the Pros You Should Know feature at the Borrowlenses.com blog.  It's worth checking out, not just for him, but for the rest of their blog, too.

And, if you're not into photography, I apologize for not having something for you this week.  If you ARE, though, trust me and go read up on Syl Arena.  It's worth it!