I won't call it a coin bank.
I mean, theoretically, you can just put coins in it, but if you're saving for camera gear, those coins had better be silver dollars!
I'm a sucker for kitsch as much as the next guy, but, when I saw this bank in the shape of a camera from Photojojo, I was hooked. Not only does it look incredibly realistic, but the lens comes off! That's how you open it to get the change you've been saving back out. How clever is that?! And, if you ever wanted to have a less expensive camera prop for some reason, this would certainly fit the bill, even if you're zoomed in pretty close.
They suggest that you use it to save for camera gear, but, let's be honest, unless you're putting some pretty big bills in this thing, all you'll pay for is your coffee while you're out shooting. Still, it does look super cool and would make some photography obsessed person on your Christmas list very happy indeed!
Hey, it's Friday, so why not at least go look at the pictures. It really is pretty neat.