Let's start the year slow.
So, I'm sure a lot of you got new PCs or laptops, or upgraded your old ones, this holiday season. Maybe it was a Christmas gift. Maybe a Christmas gift to yourself. Maybe you just took advantage of the post-holiday sales. Whatever it was or how ever you got it, you probably are feeling the pain of reinstalling all those "essential" programs that you use on a regular basis. Things like Firefox and Mozilla or Chrome and Skype or Winamp or Flash or .Net or iTunes or LibreOffice or any number of similar little things. You'll be feeling the pain of having to go to all those individual websites to collect the various install files to run.
Well, I have the solution to the problem you didn't realize you had. It's a little site called "Ninite" and they call themselves "...the fastest way to install, reinstall or upgrade free software".
You go to the site, check the different bits of software and click the "Get Installer" button and the site will serve up a downloadable installer file that will install the free software you checked on the form. You run the file and your software gets installed. That simple. Oh, and the basic service itself is free.
Now, if you want to maintain that free software and keep it updated, they have a very reasonable service for that, too. For the personal edition for a single computer, it's just $9.99 a year, at the moment, but, of course, that may change.
Both the free and pay services are available for Windows or Linux, which I think is pretty damn extra cool.
Anyway, there's your first fun/cool/useful link for the new year. I think it bridges the fun, the free and the very geeky stuff that this blog is, I hope, known and appreciated for sharing.
Happy New Year everyone!