
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Short Fiction Friday

Sadly, not my own.

It's no secret that I love science-fiction and fantasy.  In fact, once upon a time, I used to write it.  Quite a bit of it, actually.  In fact, at one time, I was writing at what might be considered a professional level.  At least, I would have been published, if the magazine I submitted to hadn't folded a few days after they received my story.  But, then life intervened and I more or less stopped writing.  All of which is to say, when I tell you, gentle readers, that I've found some good science-fiction or fantasy, especially in the short-story format, I have some idea what I'm talking about.

So, since you took the time to read that, you have the time to read these two short stories by some relatively new authors.
First, there's the ultimate solution to spammers, which I know a number of my regular system admin users wouldn't mind implementing, Press Enter To Execute.  It's near-future science-fiction, which, frankly, is getter rarer and rarer as Moore's Law speeds up our entire world.
Then, in the fantasy category, there's The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees, which is a story from the perspective of some very interesting and complicated social insects.

Neither of these are particularly long, but they're both worth taking the time to read.
Besides, it's Friday and you really can't have anything better to do, especially if you're reading my blog already.
Y'all have a great weekend!