It should be no surprise to the few, brave souls who still come and read this blog that I'm just a little obsessed with photography.
As I'm sure people have guessed, I'm not from here. Here, of course, being Houston, Texas. I moved here back in '98 and, well, just stayed. In fact, I like to say that I'm nothing but a damn Yankee carpet-bagger who's only here for your money and your women! But, all that aside, I've learned to love this town and all its quirks. I've even learned a little bit of the history here, though, I have to admit, I'm surprised at how much Houston history is still around. In Chicago, where my family is from, we have a long-standing tradition of preserving our historic buildings and there are quite a few. But, I was quite surprised to find that Houston has a lot of historic buildings still standing, too!
So, you can imagine that when a friend sent me a link to a site that combined photography and Houston history, I was pretty impressed. And, that's what the HoustoricProject is all about; photography and Houston's architectural history. The idea is simple, they take old photos and photograph them out in the world, in front of the historic building that is in the original photo. It does an amazing job of placing the old photo in both time and space, relating it to how things are now. It's quite an interesting project, in a number of ways.
For me, I just love the photography and the history combined in a creative way.
But, hey, don't take my word for it, go check it out yourself! Seriously! I mean, it is Friday after all, and you deserve a creative break, don't you? Of course, you do! So, hit the link and be inspired.