Well, at least if you're a Kindle user.
Recently, I acquired an older Kindle from a friend who had upgraded and was in the process of shedding "extra baggage" before moving. I've passed it on to the woman I've been seeing for the past several months. (If you're friends with me on Facebook, you already know this and her name. And, if you're not, you don't need to know her name!) She loves her "new-to-her" Kindle, of course, and has transferred her books from her PC Kindle app to her new device. But, we're both pretty cheap, so when I saw OneHundredFreeBooks.com I got excited for her. This site, which is updated regularly, as in multiple times a day, shows you Kindle books offered on the Amazon.com US site for free. Yes, free!
But, of course, prices change, so these books may not stay free. The only thing the site owner promises is that they were free when he put them up for you.
So, what a great way to add to your Summer reading; free books!
And, you know, since it's Friday, you know you aren't really doing anything important, so you might as well go take a look at the books they have listed!