Pretty much anything can be turned into a weapon.
Regular readers here will know that I'm not only security and safety conscious, but into, well, some of the stranger aspects of culture. If there's an obscure method of self-defense, or a strange sub-culture, I probably know about it. I tend to be that way with obscure and rare books, too. But, when all three of these things overlap? It's like nerdvana for me!
And such a confluence of material and subjects exist: Cards as Weapons by Ricky Jay.
You probably have seen Ricky Jay in the movies, believe it or not, even if you may not have recognized him. He's been in a number of movies by David Mamet, but as a character actor, you may not associate his name with his face. Either way, Ricky Jay is quite well known in the stage magic world and is one of the best card technicians who's ever practiced the art. His book, which retails for an amazing sum on [amazon_link id="0446387568" target="_blank" container="" container_class="" ]Amazon[/amazon_link], on the deadly art of card throwing is well known in some of the circles I've brushed up against in my varied and misspent youth. But, it's been so hard to find and expensive that few of us have ever actually read it. Now, thanks to a, possibly pirated, copy that's up on Scribd, you can download the entire PDF for free. Free! So, if you like magic, or cards, or Ricky Jay, or obscure books, or strange self-defense weapons, or even just knowing cool, strange things, then download this book! While you still can!
Besides, it's Friday and you're reading my blog. What else have you got to do?