[caption id="" align="alignright" width="540"] Naming kids is easy, but naming systems is hard![/caption]
And, no, I don't mean giving your phone a pet name.
I have gone on at length in the past about the importance of naming systems. It's a big, big deal, especially if you ever have to go back and change any of those names! Granted, it's not as bad now as it was in the old days when you had to manually update dozens, or sometimes hundreds, of host files or configuration files, but, still, it's a pretty big deal. So, naming systems are often a topic of discussion, especially among hardcore network geeks. I've been in more than one meeting about choosing a naming scheme that devolved into name calling.
So, there are many schools of thought on this. One group of people think that the name should be meaningful, giving location and function information. That's a good idea, but it often results in names like HOUNOVFILESERV001. (And, yes, that's actually a name I used on a server once, for a company that no longer exists. It stands for HOUston NOVell FILESERVer number 001.) Sure, it tells you what you need to know, but they quickly become unwieldy to type and maintain.
Another group would say to name your servers, or routers, or what have you, after any group of things that will be easy to remember, like the names of the Seven Dwarves, or characters from the Dilbert cartoon, or, even, at one place I worked, the names of the old Space Shuttle fleet. And, while I'm not a huge fan of that for many things at a business, it can be fun to ping a Cisco router named Elvis just to get the response "Elvis is alive". Certainly at home, I tend to favor a more fun approach using something light-hearted, like the names of cartoon characters or mythological beings or something similar. But, my problem is always, which set of "things" to choose?
Well, the Naming Schemes Wiki solves that particular problem. Yes, someone has started a wiki that gathers all the different naming schemes you all can think of in one place for your viewing pleasure. And, in spite of any protests from your significant other, you can select, at your leisure, a naming scheme to use on your network that makes you smile. (And, stop looking at me that way! I know I'm not the only person in the world with a home network big enough or complicated enough to warrant having to choose a naming system for it!) The maintainer also encourages you to add your own scheme, if, somehow, it's been missed on this site. Or, to add to any of the existing pages if you have something to contribute.
So there you have it! All the endless naming possibilities for your home networking project this weekend!
Y'all have fun!