This may stretch the limits of what even I consider "fun".
Ever since I was in junior high, I've been a little too interested in nuclear war. Personally, I blame the Cold War and movies like [amazon_textlink asin='B0001WTVUW' text='The Day After' template='ProductLink' store='jkhoffman-20' marketplace='US' link_id='0f617978-3395-11e8-99c2-4f1995d99183']. It looks kind of cheesy now, but back in the day, we were all terrified that this was our future. We were quite sure that Russia was going to launch missiles at us any moment and we would have to know how to survive. Or, maybe that was just the crazed group of boys I hung out with who all read science fiction pulps. I'll allow that's possible not everyone was as obsessed with the subject as we were.
But, the thing is, I don't think it would have mattered. For one thing, I grew up not far from a pretty important Naval Air Station, and also not far from a major financial center. I'm pretty sure that where I lived would have been pretty quickly reduced to melted glass if World War Three had broken out. But, that seems to be a topic popping up again. And, it's fresh enough that someone has created a new Nuclear Bomb Blast Simulator. I've shared these before but this one is, well, prettier than the others. It shows in pretty graphic terms just how large an area would be effected. Also, it seems to have better geolocation than the others that I've shared. And, if you, like me, have a dark sense of humor, you can always use your worst enemy's location as the epicenter of the blast. That would be a kind of "fun", right?
And, if you're truly concerned, you can get the book I studied for weeks at the library, Nuclear War Survival Skills, for free, in PDF format. It claims to have been updated in 1987, but I'm quite certain it must have only to correct spelling errors because this is precisely how I remember it from all those years ago. And, I'm quite certain I had a copy in hand well before 1987, which was after I had graduated from high school.
So, um, enjoy!? And try not to think about it too much.
This post first appeared on Use Your Words.