
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Road Warrior Links

Wow, I wish I'd had these when I was on the road so much!

Sadly, that seems to be how life works. I never have the information I need, when I need it. Well, at least I can pass the information along and hope that it helps someone else who's currently engaged in the road warrior "lifestyle".

Wired Test Issue

The Wired "Test" issue is available for free, on-line.

Wired magazine is one of the best consumer technology magazines out there and every year they do a review of consumer tech gadgets that totally rocks.  I got mine in the mail the other day and have been obsessing over the digital cameras they reviewed.  You can check out this year's Wired Test Issue on-line if you follow the link.

Bombshelter Market Up

It's ready to explode!

I bet you thought bombshelters went out with the end of the Cold War, right? Ha! Think again! I know I've been talking about the End of the World a lot lately here, but, well, it is kind of fascinating to me. And, back when I was in high school, I was a kind of low-rent, closeted survivalist. I'm not sure why I got all into it, honestly, but, well, there you are.

Guess who?

Well, I can see that my ex-wife has been here...

As you can tell from the poll to the right, someone thinks I shouldn't write at all. Without checking my logs, I'd put my money on the Queen of the Damned.
I'm glad you still think about me and are concerned for my welfare. No worries, though, if I can survive cancer, I can handle the stress of writing for NaNoWriMo.  Heck, you've made up some interesting fiction about me over the years, you darling little nut, maybe you should try NaNoWriMo this year, too!

Chemistry 202

Sometimes, oil and water just don't mix.

So, after a busy couple of weeks and not hearing from S., the girl from Match.com who contacted after more than six months, I finally got a reply e-mail from her.  At first, I'd thought it was an e-mail problem of some kind that was blocking incoming e-mail from her domain, but I verified that it was working with someone else.  Before I did that, however, I sent her an e-mail that indicated I was having some e-mail issues and I included my phone number.