
Making the impossible merely improbable since 1968

Diary of a Network Geek

Lifehacker iPhone App Pack

Lifehacker loves iPhone apps almost as much as I do!

No, seriously, I use this thing for everything.  Not too long ago, I showed you a ToDo app that makes life easier for you when trying to keep track of all the things you need to do.  I've talked about other apps before, and, of course, earlier this week, I mentioned that people are using their iPhone as a security testing tool.  Really, there's no end to what you can do with today's smart phones, though I happen to prefer the iPhone, obviously.

GTD Organizer

Don't know what "GTD" stands for?

Well, then you're not one of the legions of followers of the "Getting Things Done" method of personal organization.  And this post probably won't excite you.

WordPress Promotion

It's no secret that I love WordPress.

I mean, seriously, I really, really love WordPress as a blogging platform and as an easy-to-understand Content Management System.  But, did you know that I'm one of the three most important people in WordPress? No, for real! And, I have a certificate from Matt Mullenweg himself to prove it!