Looking for New Music
Okay, so I'm tragically unhip and I know it.
Okay, so I'm tragically unhip and I know it.
I am a Freemason.
OpenOffice lacks one thing that I've always liked: barcodes.
Brian Rothenberg of Wilco Computer Products is my new hero.
What an interesting idea...
So, as many of my long-time readers know, I tend to straddle two worlds. By day, I'm a highly proficient, one-man, network-ninja death squad, but, by night, I'm a frustrated, hopeful writer who's always looking for high-tech reasons to procrastinate. I think I may have found a project that bridges these two worlds in an article titled Subversion for Writers.
If you think Fedora is just a hat, the rest of this may not matter to you...
No, not really.